Rory Kemp launched Project Clean Suds to Help People in Addiction Recovery Secure Safe Housing with Scholarships
A year and a half ago, Rory Kemp, the owner of Project Clean Suds, found himself facing homelessness upon exiting rehab for his drug addiction. Securing a room in a transitional sober house requires a large sum of money that someone battling an addiction like him usually doesn’t have.
Rory Kemp, the owner of Project Clean Suds, holds bars of soap he makes to support the addiction recovery community.
This treacherous gap in the path of recovery takes down many people, derailing their progress. Rory is trying to help people bridge this gap by donating 50% of the proceeds from his new business to fund housing scholarships.
“I really struggled to find a safe place to go when I was coming out of treatment because I didn’t have any money,” Rory says. “That’s where the idea of the scholarships came into place.”
Post-rehab, while Rory stayed in transitional housing, he began to craft all-natural vegan body soaps. He longed to live a cleaner life free from toxins on the inside and out. Project Clean Suds was born with a mission to support people in their recovery and offer relief.
Project Clean Suds offers people in recovery a $500 scholarship to help cover their first month of rent upon exiting rehab. Recipients are referred from organizations within the trusted local recovery centers. The Project Clean community also donates hundreds of bars of his hand-crafted soaps to transitional housing nonprofits like Blanchet House and Blanchet Farm.
Project Clean Suds sells six blends of all-natural soaps to support its scholarships for people in addiction recovery.
“Though it may seem small to someone on the outside looking in we’re trying to connect in the ways we can,” Rory says. “The natural soap is really great experience to remove some of the stresses people may be facing in transitional housing. I’ve always wanted to be helpful in somebody’s recovery. I’m trying to build a community of people that know there is a huge gap between treatment and long-term recovery.”
The scholarships are Rory’s first mission-driven initiative for the fledgling company. As a disabled veteran, he receives financial support to pay for his basic needs, so he’s able to put all of his time and energy into Project Clean Suds. Currently, Rory makes all of the soap himself with friends helping run the website and distribution.
“We’ll do this until we can’t anymore,” Rory says. “There are bridges that need to be put in place to support at-risk communities.”
You can support Project Clean Suds mission by purchasing bars of soap at