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Blanchet House will host Portland’s New Beat Generation Poet Laureate, Mimi German along with poet KarlosTheUnhappy for the launch of the book Flowers of the Litter on Sept. 29, from 2-4 p.m. Also in attendance will be poets working with Street Roots who will read their poems from Flowers of the Litter and take questions from the audience.

Flowers of the Litter, a brand-new publication featuring poets from unhoused communities along with housed poets from around the world all coming together to bring a little joy to those who are struggling on the streets.

FLowers of the LItter Mimi German

The author will sell this new book at the event, so please bring cash or Venmo. We encourage you to buy a book for yourself and one for someone on the streets. In this way, we step further into our humanity as we gracefully work toward ending the divide between housed and unhoused people.

We look forward to sharing these poems with you. There will be a book signing at the event too. You can purchase the book before the event at