Mobile Sleeping Kit for Homeless
Help people experiencing homelessness by donating a mobile sleeping kit. Together we can offer items to improve people’s dignity, sleep, warmth, comfort, and safety. It’s important for people without a roof over their heads to have portable bedding that can stay dry. Mobile sleeping kits for the homeless are a backpack or duffle bag containing a small blanket (ideally waterproof) and a plastic tarp. The kits can help someone get through the night without a solid roof over their head. We ask that you please only donate gently used or new clean items.
How to make a mobile sleeping kit. The following items are for sale on our Amazon wish list.
- Backpack, duffle bag, or another easy-to-carry bag
- Tarps
- Waterproof blanket or small blanket
We will offer the mobile sleeping kits you donate to Blanchet House’s houseless guests during meal services. Thank you.