The meeting room offers a wide array of table and chair configurations for your group of up to 30 people.

Frequently Asked Questions
Who can use the meeting room?
Any group that is aligned with our core values and commitment to equity is invited to apply to use our meeting room. You can read more about us here.
Our Core Values and Commitment to Equity
- Hospitality We welcome everyone into our home with kindness and compassion.
- Dignity We respect the inherent value of everyone inside and outside our organization.
- Hope We foster optimism and the belief that good things can happen when we work together.
- Integrity We are honest, reliable, and trustworthy.
- Community We build relationships and strive toward common goals.
- Authenticity We honor everyone’s right to be their unique self.
Blanchet House’s mission and core values embody our commitment to serving anyone in need with dignity and without discrimination or judgment. We recognize that our Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities are disproportionately impacted by socio-economic injustice.
We recognize that this injustice can lead to housing and food insecurity, creating the need for our programs. These BHH services, then, must exemplify our commitment to equity, ensuring that those most affected by an injustice have the necessary resources to live freely and fairly. BHH’s founding ideals prioritize each individual’s needs to meet all people we serve where they are.
Our commitment to advancing equity and justice in our community further inspires the BHH staff, volunteers, and board of directors to:
- Be intentional in our work toward equity and inclusion.
- Work toward a deeper understanding of the historical, systemic, and contemporary structures and actions of racism and other forms of discrimination, prejudice, and bias.
- Achieve a great understanding of and work toward correcting our own implicit biases.
- Continually identify inequities, eliminate barriers, and innovate our practices to better serve our clients’ experiences and needs.
- Staying engaged in the pursuit of equity and consistently seeking to repair and improve our understanding, practices, and services where we fall short.
How many people can the room accomodate?
Up to 30 people.
What hours is the meeting space available?
The meeting room at Blanchet Farm is available for use Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. We may be able to accommodate use outside of these hours.
How much does it cost to use the meeting room?
Using the meeting room at Blanchet Farm is free of charge.
What is provided?
Blanchet provides:
- One large screen monitor is mounted to a wall.
- Fast WiFi
Groups provide their own:
- Food, beverages, and snacks.
- Audio equipment such as a microphone or speaker.
Are there volunteer opportunities at the farm?
Contact Volunteer Manager Heidi Janowski hjanowski@blanchethouse.org about the possibility of volunteering at Blanchet Farm on the day of your meeting. Volunteer opportunities are limited by the season and size of your group.
Catering and Outside Food
We can provide a list of local vendors for catering. You’re welcome to bring your own food into the space. Alcohol is prohibited.
Please fill out the interest form and we will be in touch.
Questions? Please contact Blanchet House & Farm’s Community Engagement Manager Heidi at hjanowski@blanchethouse.org.