Multnomah County Shelters
Multnomah County provides shelter to individuals experiencing homelessness in Portland. All year-round homeless shelters are referral/reservation-based.
To access shelters, folks can:
- Visit Transition Projects’ Day Center aka Bud Clark at 650 NW Irving or call 503-280-4700
- Call Do Good Multnomah at 503-490-0285 or 503-358-0519
- Contact a C3PO site:
- BIPOC Village at 971-380-7594
- Queer Affinity Village at 971-380-7592
- Old Town Village at 971-380-7596
- Call 211 or go to 211info.org to get connected to a referral
Private Shelters
In addition to the county shelters, there are private homeless shelters located throughout Portland. The majority of them require individuals to stand in line, register or get a referral.
More shelter options:
- Bybee Lake Hope Center – 971-333-5070
- Portland Rescue Mission – 111 W Burnside St., 503-906-7690 (men only)
- Salvation Army Safe Harbor Program – 30 SW Second Ave, 503-227-0810 (women only)
Information about additional shelters and other services in Portland can be found at streetroots.org.